Sunday Worship for Kids & Youths

Watermark Kids (up to P5)
On Sundays, we love to include the children in our time of sung worship. They are then dismissed to their classes according to age groups ranging from 1.5 to 10/11 years old (more details below).
In class, our team of vetted teachers and helpers provide a safe and caring environment that is focused on building relationships and discipling the children through teaching from the bible. Our lessons are focused on God’s word and encourage the children to respond to Jesus from what they learn. They will also have fun playing games, making crafts and singing songs, all linked to the teaching and aiming to solidify their understanding of Biblical truths as well as encourage deepening relationships with teachers and classmates.
For parents with children under 1.5 years old, a special seating area is available at the back of the service hall where children can play on padded mats and there is plenty of space for strollers.
Classes are allocated by age and school grade as follows:
Class Name | Age | HK Grade System |
UK Grade System |
US Grade System |
Stream | 1.5–3 yrs | Nursery Playgroup Pre-nursery |
Nursery (under 3) | Nursery (under 3) |
River | 3–4 yrs | K1–2 | Nursery, Reception | Nursery, Pre K |
Ocean | 5–7 yrs | K3, P1–2 | Year 1–3 | K, Grade 1–2 |
Surf | 8–10 yrs | P3–5 | Years 4–6 | Grades 3–5 |
Please contact if you have any questions.

Watermark Youth (P6 and up)
On Sundays, our pre-teens and teens experience worship together with all generations, and then are dismissed to classes according to their age groups. Once a month, they will remain in the main worship service so that they also have an opportunity to grow with the adults.
Please contact if you have any questions.

Child Protection
Watermark Church is concerned for the welfare and development of children. We are committed to ensuring that children are protected and that appropriate procedures and policies for keeping children safe are in place and are implemented fully. This includes:
· Working towards providing the best quality activities and services for children
· Having a policy with procedures in place to safeguard children
· Practicing safe recruitment procedures
· Training staff and volunteers in safeguarding and promoting a code of practice so that all children’s workers are aware of and understand the kinds of behavior which are encouraged, acceptable, and unacceptable.