Serving & Giving
Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. (1 Pet. 4:9-10)
God has given each of us gifts to serve one another and the broader community around us. To find out more about opportunities to serve, please get connected with us or find out more about our various leaders and ministries.
Financial Giving
The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it. (Ps. 24:1)
Jesus tells us that finances is a good gift from God, but like all good things, money also has the ability to get the better of us. It has a way of blinding us, and creeping into our hearts. While God gives us resources to steward for his glory, we often treat our finances as our own, as if they belong to us. However in the upside-down kingdom of Jesus, God invites us to see money correctly; to see it as a good gift to be enjoyed and used for God’s glory but to be adored or treasured above all else. The gospel frees us from looking to money to give us what only God can give; true rest, peace and security.
Therefore, how we view our money and what we do with it – whether we use it to build God’s Kingdom or our own—is one of the greatest indicators of just how much the Gospel is impacting hearts.
Here is information on how to give to Watermark directly:
Cheques / Cash
Please drop off in our kiosks during Sunday service. Cheques can be made payable to “Watermark Community Church Limited”. Cheques via mail should be sent to: Watermark Community Church Ltd., 5/F, 6 Wilmer St, Sai Ying Pun, Hong Kong.
Direct Transfer/Standing Order
Electronic giving is our preferred method. For direct transfers, please transfer to our HSBC account: (004) 808 829 709 838. If you set up a recurring transaction, please ensure that the field ‘references’ is filled out with your name so that we can identify you. Please also email us.
US Tax Receipt / Friends of Hong Kong
For US citizens/residents who would like a US tax receipt, each donation must be at least USD$100 (HKD$800) and paid by check/cheque issued to “Friends of Hong Kong Charities Inc.” If you wish to donate online for FOHK, please follow the instructions here. Since they assist many charities, email them at to let them know it is for Watermark (and include in the reference field), and cc
Overseas / Via Credit Card
Please contact us at
FPS Payment
FPS ID: 164253833, When using an app that supports FPS (Fast Payment System), scanning a QR code requires the user to have the app open and active on their device.
Once you scan the QR code, please indicate in the reference “tithes and offering”.
Designated Offerings to Funds
In addition to our regular tithes and offerings, there are four addition ‘funds’ which Watermark supports and to which people can give. If you would like to give to any of these, please use the following reference and deposit to our Designated Fund: HSBC Account No. 848 721 262 838
These funds are set aside to assist WM families who encounter financial difficulty and to support them in time of need.
REF: Compassion
These Funds are used to support the work of Missional Justice in HK, through serving the poor, and supporting partner organisations.
REF: Justice
These funds are set aside to support the strengthening of existing churches and planting of new churches across Asia (in conjunction with Resound Asia and City to City Asia Pacific), and to support and encourage the work of missionaries sent from Watermark church.
REF: Gospel Advance
We are wanting to raise $3mil for our building fund, in anticipation of moving to a new venue in 2025. We anticipate this new venue will allow us to reach new people with the gospel, and grow as a community.
REF: Building Fund
If you would like to give to one of these funds, please donate via:
Cheques / Cash
Make all cheques payable to “Watermark Community Church Ltd.” Please use a different cheque for your regular offering. Please indicate preferred fund on the envelope. At the moment, we do not accept FOHK or online payments for designated funds.
Direct Transfer
DIRECT TRANSFER: HSBC Account No. 848 721 262 838 (Note that regular offerings go into: 808 829 709 838) and send an email indicating your choice in fund.